CO2 traffic light, SCHABUS products

Klaus Stöttner supports the production of the CO2 - traffic lights

Tour of the production directly on site

f.l. Wolfgang Schabus (Management Elektrotechnik Schabus), Klaus Stöttner (Member of the Bavarian Parliament)

Shortly before Christmas 2020, Klaus Stöttner, Member of the Bavarian Parliament, visits the production facility of Elektrotechnik SCHABUS GmbH & Co. KG. Klaus Stöttner is the sponsor of the CO2 traffic light fundraising campaign of the Otfried-Preußler elementary school in Stephanskirchen and continues to support the SCHABUS CO2 traffic light campaigns. As a thank you for his spontaneous visit, the Member of Parliament was presented with a CO2 traffic light in a special Bavarian design. He expressed his sincere thanks for the CO2 traffic light and how much he appreciates the work of Elektrotechnik Schabus.

In times like these, we all become particularly aware that health is a top priority and we all have to stick together. It would be desirable if other companies in the district could follow our example and support Bavarian schools with sponsored CO2 traffic lights. - Klaus Stöttner

The CO2 traffic lights are an effective tool to minimise the risk of (corona) infection. The SCHABUS CO2 traffic lights show exactly when and how long ventilation is required. They measure the carbon dioxide content in the air and accordingly the display shows green, orange or red. As soon as the traffic lights turn orange, it is an unmistakable sign that it is now slowly time to ventilate. At red, on the other hand, it is high time to let fresh air into the room. When there is enough oxygen in the room, the lights turn back to green and the windows can be closed again. This helps teachers and pupils to find the right ventilation periods. Unnecessary freezing of the pupils due to unnecessary ventilation can thus be avoided in the future.